..and the price for not being helpful goes to: MiniViewers and the Barcode Locator. No, really – I’ll let you be the judge, this is what you get when combining the two:
Not useful at all, as – if you take a look at the document – the plain text is written right below the barcode itself:
So, what I want to see in the MiniViewer are not the bars alone, but also the plain text below the barcode:
Let’s take the madness one step further. I don’t want to see the bars at all but the plain text only:
The above results can be achieved easily with a little script.
Private Sub BC_AfterExtract(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pField As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
Field_ShiftZoneForBarcodes(pField, True, .1)
End Sub
Public Sub Field_ShiftZoneForBarcodes(ByRef pField As CscXDocField, hideBars As Boolean, heightMultiplicator As Double)
' more elegant solution
Dim h As Long
If hideBars Then
h = pField.Height * heightMultiplicator
pField.Top = pField.Top + pField.Height
pField.Height = h
pField.Height = pField.Height * ( 1+ heightMultiplicator)
End If
End Sub
Oh, and of course you can say, “what makes you believe the barcode is misread in the first place”, and you would be right. With a check digit you won’t even get any misreads and may get rid of the MiniViewer anyway. Well.. let’s just say seeing the actual value just makes me feel better, ok? Besides, you just learned that you can adjust the zones right in script. Awesome.