edit: the code has been adjusted to present a personalized caledar to the user. At my university, there is a schedule for all the lectures available. In different formats, from plain html over csv onto[…]
Author: admin
A better design for OMR extraction with KTM (Part 2)
Please note: this post is part of a series. If you did not read the previous part, please do so. Applying OMRSingleChoiceText The last time I wrote two methods that would translate a single choice[…]
A better design for OMR extraction with KTM (Part 1)
Optical Markup Recognition seems to be a little bit old-school, but every once in a while you have to deal with questionnaires or forms. My goal for today is to optimize OMR – not by[…]
ArrayContains in KTM
I’ve been absent now for one month due to my trip to Peru, and this article is going to be rather short. But still, quite important to me: due to the lack of Collections in[…]
Creating a project in KTM more efficiently
Sometimes always starting from scratch when creating projects with Kofax Transformation Modules can be quite exhausting. Especially if you come back from a customer workshop who wants to deal with probably a dozen different classes[…]
Conditional Formatting in Google Spreadsheets
Good news here: Google Spreadsheet now support conditional formatting. This post is left here just for nostalgic reasons. I am a super-heavy user of Google Docs. It is quite amazing what Google made possible with[…]
Yahoo acquires Astrid, shuts it down.
While that’s not the latest news out there, I still want to give it a thought. On the 1st of May Yahoo announced that it has acquired Astrid. Just in case you were not aware of:[…]
Creating a simple download server with Apache
Sometimes you are required to deliver data to your customers. What if you do not possess a beautiful CMS system such as WordPress? Of course, you could just set up a FTP server and provide your[…]
Table Benchmarking in KTM
When I was at an Expert Workshop in regard of Kofax KTM last week, we were forming groups and had to pick a problem we’d like to see solved. A participant and I picked one[…]
New customer web site online
I was busy.. just a couple of days ago a new customer’s web site went online. Check it out yourself: http://susanne-van-treek.de That web site was – of course – created with the help of the fabulous[…]
Updating my MBP, Part 2
This post continues part I of the series “I’m going to give my MacBook Pro a 2nd chance”. PART 1 – Preparing my operating system I was running OS X 10.7 (Lion) on my old[…]
Updating my MBP
As my old friend, my 13-inch MacBook Pro, seemed unable to cope with my insane wish to launch multiple virtual machines at the same time, I decided it is time to go for an update.[…]
Virtual customers: producing demo data
When using applications that require or offer the possibility to connect to a database, let’s say for identifying a customer, we’re often confronted with the following problem: we simply don’t have enough sample data available.[…]
Open Government Data and R
For my studies at the university our group had to focus on writing a paper about certain application scenarios for knowledge management. We picked a kind-of data mining approach: Vienna’s Open Government Data website is[…]
About windows in Windows
I have to admit: there is one killer-feature in Windows 7 that I absolutely admire. Maybe you even tried it yourself – hitting the windows key in combination with the arrow keys left and right[…]
Tax avoidance level: Expert
In Austria, the average annual gross income in 2011 was something about 25.000 EUR. We all are at least a little bit aware of the tax system present in Austria. For the sake of simplicity,[…]
Visualizing geo data data with R
When my girlfriend came back from Peru she had gathered enough material to work on her master thesis. But there was one thing she was not quite sure how to solve: she had visited several[…]